Waterbury H.S. alumni announce a summer reunion and $27,000 in scholarships
April 25, 2024 | By Waterbury Roundabout
The Waterbury High School Alumni Association has two important announcements to share with the community:
Plans are coming together for a June 22 all-class reunion banquet.
Applications are open for current Harwood seniors to apply for six scholarships worth $4,500 each.
The cover of the 1966 Waterbury High School yearbook, 'Longhorn,' courtesy of the Waterbury Historical Society.
The association’s membership consists of Waterbury High School students from all classes up through June 1966 as well as those in the Harwood classes of 1967-69, who attended WHS in 1966, the year Waterbury High School closed. That fall, Harwood Union High School opened and the former high school – now Brookside Primary School – continued to be used as an elementary school.
The association is a 501c3 nonprofit and each year it awards several scholarships to Harwood Union graduating seniors who are planning to pursue higher education. Application materials are distributed by the school guidance office, association treasurer and scholarship chair Victoria Coffin Alberghini said. She noted that students are encouraged to apply. In 2023, just five applications were turned in for six potential scholarships.
This year, the group would like to award four scholarships in memory of the former Waterbury High School principal and coach Dascomb P. Rowe; another two will be awarded in memory of his daughter, Merry Rowe Hermans.
The elder Rowe, known as “Dac,” served as principal, teacher, coach and counselor at Waterbury High School for 40 years, Alberghini noted. His daughter was valedictorian of the WHS class of 1946 and a member of the school’s 1945 state championship basketball team among her many accomplishments, Alberghini said. She was married to George Hermans.
The deadline to submit scholarship applications is May 15. Students should inquire in the school guidance office for details. This year’s Harwood graduation is scheduled for Saturday, June 8.
Reunion banquet set for June 22
Waterbury High School. Undated photo. Waterbury Historical Society
The Waterbury High School Alumni Association has held biennial reunions for years, Alberghini said. This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday, June 22, at the American Legion on Stowe Street.
It’s scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m. with a social hour and appetizers including cheese platters and punch, followed at 6:30 p.m. by a turkey dinner with all the fixings.
The banquet is a great chance to catch up and celebrate with longtime friends, Alberghini said, noting that this year’s gathering will honor those who are celebrating 55, 60, 65, 70, and 75 years since they graduated.
Invitations with R.S.V.P. forms have been mailed to those on the group’s mailing list. The event has a reply date of June 10 and organizers would like to try to reach those who are not on the current mailing list. WHS students who see this announcement are asked to share it.
Any former WHS student who has not received an invitation by mail may contact Vickie Coffin Alberghini at 802-272-4800 or gmsatellite2003@gmail.com to be added to the list and sent an invitation immediately.
Photos below courtesy of Waterbury Historical Society. Click to enlarge.