Duxbury neighbors band together for Green Up Day

May 13, 2022  |  By Audrey Quackenbush 

More than 50 volunteers worked to spruce up Duxbury roads on Green Up Day. 

The Duxbury Land Trust, which has been organizing the event for the past 25 years, was very pleased with the result. Particularly helpful were the efforts of Jill Smith of Crossett Hill and Maria Steyaart of North Duxbury, who recruited many volunteers in their areas.

Some new residents joined the event adding enthusiasm and energy. Two hard-working teams from state offices of the Department of Environmental Conservation assisted with the River Road effort in the days before May 7.

Organizer Jill Smith remarked on the willingness for local residents to pitch in. “I have people who every year volunteer for the same section of road. There really is a wonderful neighborhood sense of pride that weekend.” She shared that a new resident Greening Up on Crossett Hill for the first time declared that “It looked like Better Home and Gardens” when they finished.

Nearly 225 bags were distributed. Afterward, the trash collected weighed in at 1.39 tons and tires came to .63 tons.

Volunteers covered all main town roads. River Road was especially challenging, with not only the typical bottles and cans, but abandoned furniture, tires, and other miscellaneous debris. In addition to the roadway, the river bank and popular fishing holes were cleaned. 

This was the year of the diverse car parts as multiple and unique auto fixtures were collected, likely thanks to a particularly challenging mud season. 

Many thanks to all our volunteers and town officials: Duxbury Select Board, Town Clerk and Treasurer Maureen Harvey, Assistant Town Clerk Bonnie Morse, and Highway Department Foreman Brian Gibbs. Green Up would not happen without the commitment and support of these individuals.

Audrey Quackenbush is Duxbury’s Green Up coordinator.


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