Summer programs at Waterbury Public Library

July 6, 2023  |  By Judi Byron 

Here are some highlights of ongoing free adult programs offered at the Waterbury Public Library that are continuing through the summertime.  

Be sure to check the library's website,, for more details and complete schedules of both children’s and adult programs. Any schedule updates will be noted in the online information.

Not a program but a special event: the library has a couple of pop-up book sales coming up at the Waterbury Farmers Market. The next one is on July 20 and again on Aug. 17. It will include a selection of books in a range of categories including mystery, history, fiction, summer reads, poetry, children’s titles and puzzles as well. Pay what you can. Cash, check or PayPal accepted. Look for the library tent at the market, 4-7 p.m. 

Adult Reading Bingo

This summer, challenge yourself to read a bit differently. The Waterbury Public Library is offering up Adult Reading Bingo and you get to win a prize! There are two separate cards for readers: the Normalmode Summer Reading Bingo Card for casual readers and the Hardmode Summer Reading Bingo Card for those who are up for a challenge.  How about reading a book in a genre that is new to you, or read a book based on its cover?  These are examples from the Normalmode Bingo Card. What about a book with over 600 pages or a book in a language other than English?  Is that even summer reading?  Those examples are from the Hardmode card.  You can pick up a card at the Help Desk or go to the Library’s website to download either card or both. Drop your bingo card at the library’s help desk by Aug. 4 to be entered into a drawing for local prizes.  Just one card per person, please.

Chair Yoga 

Every Wednesday, Diana Whitney leads an hour-long Chair Yoga Class starting at 10:30 a.m. via Zoom. Diana has been practicing and teaching yoga for decades, is a clear, easy-to-follow instructor, and gives many modifications for each pose. Though the class is called Chair Yoga, there are plenty of standing poses, too. The chair provides the support and balance you may need if you have joint or balance issues. All levels are welcome. Register online here.

Bridge Group

Also occurring weekly is Duplicate Bridge on Thursdays,12:30-4:30 p.m.  You may not know that Waterbury has a robust bridge community.  If you haven’t played bridge with the Waterbury Bridge Group, you are in for a treat!  Duplicate Bridge is so-called because each hand is played at least twice, although by different players, under the same conditions, with the same cards in each hand and the same dealer and vulnerability.  For more info, contact Grace Sweet at 802-244-7223.


Dungeons and Dragons, led by Dungeon Master Evan Hoffman, takes place on the first and third Saturdays of the month, and even on the fifth if there is one, from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the library. New players are welcome to join this 5th Edition D&D campaign. Evan has also branched out to other systems such as Call of Cthulhu, Pathfinder 2e, Exalted, and Planet Mercenary. Dungeons and Dragons takes you and your friends on epic journeys. Become the characters you create, battle deadly foes, uncover secrets, find treasures, and more. For more information go to Dungeons and Dragons on the library’s website where you can log into the server, ask questions, and stay up-to-date on upcoming games.

Fiber Arts & Hand Stitching

If you like crafting, the library hosts two monthly groups: one each on the second Friday and third Monday.

Fiber Arts Friday is an open fiber social. Whatever your project, be it knitting, crocheting, needle felting, weaving, rug hooking or something else, bring it, along with lunch or a snack. This open and welcoming group meets the second Friday of the month from 12-2 p.m. at the library. 

On the third Monday, Hand Stitching meets from 6-8 p.m. at the library.  The group is open to anyone with interest in hand-stitching, be it embroidery, cross-stitch and other needlework.  The group is supportive, welcomes all, and is a great space for learning and creative discussion.  Bring your own supplies, any pieces you are working on or completed and want to share.

Writers’ Wertfrei

Writers also gather monthly to share their work, receive comments, suggestions and critique (if they want.) This group is open to all, whether you have a consistent writing practice or an idea that maybe you’d like to write about. Our group consists of memoirists, short-story and children’s book writers, essayists, autobiographers, educational writers, poets and more.  Writers’ Wertfrei meets on the third Saturday of the month from 10 a.m. to noon at the library. And, “Wertfrei” comes from the German word, “Wertfreiheit” meaning non-judgmental or value-free.  This is a supportive, caring environment. Come with what you are currently working on. For more information contact

Computer help

Need help with computer issues? Do things keep changing and you find it hard to keep up with the changes? Are you overwhelmed with information and can’t sort it out? Do you have an old device that may be sluggish or perhaps a new one you need help in setting up and using?  Waterbury Public Library’s Technology Librarian Kyle Creason comes to the rescue! Kyle offers one-on-one help in whatever technology issue you may have. To schedule an appointment, call the library at 802-244-7036 or email and let him know what the issue is. Availability is Monday from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Tuesday, 12:30 to 6:30 p.m. Be sure to bring the device you need help with including power cords if you are not using a library computer for instruction. The library computers use Windows 10.

Judi Byron is the Adult Program Coordinator at the Waterbury Public Library.

Julia Bailey-Wells

Julia is a senior majoring in Environmental Studies with a concentration in climate and environmental justice with minors in Computer Science and Geography. She is the editor-in-chief of Headwaters Magazine, UVM’s environmental publication.


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