Fall household hazardous waste collection at Crossett Brook on Oct. 14
October 5, 2023 | By Waterbury Roundabout
The Household Hazardous Waste collections take in tons of cleaners, chemicals, pesticides, paint and more. File photo by Gordon Miller
The Mad River Resource Management Alliance holds its Fall Household Hazardous Waste Collection on Saturday, Oct. 14, at a new location – Crossett Brook Middle School – from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Residents of the alliance communities may bring all of their pesticides, architectural oil and latex paint and primary batteries to this event at no charge. The collection will also accept an additional 10 gallons of liquid or 10 pounds of solids at no additional charge. After that, there is a $5 per unit fee.
If you are not a resident in the alliance communities, there is a $20 registration fee and no free disposal of the additional units of waste.
Member communities are Waterbury, Moretown, Waitsfield, Fayston and Warren; Duxbury is not in the alliance.
Small businesses must preregister by Wednesday, Oct. 11, indicating what they plan to bring to this event so organizers can determine disposal costs which are due at the collection. Business waste will only be accepted between 8 and 8:30 a.m. Preregister with an email to alliance Manager John Malter at malterport@aol.com.
The event will also collect mercury thermostats and thermometers. Participating community members may bring mercury thermostats to exchange for a card for a $5 rebate per thermostat. The thermostat must include its cover. Bring your mercury fever thermometer and receive a digital replacement thermometer (one per household).
This collection will not accept any compressed gasses, fire extinguishers, ammunition, explosives, medical waste or radioactive waste; also no 30- or 55-gallon drums.
It also cannot take compact fluorescent lamps or fluorescent tubes. Those may be recycled at Bisbee’s or Kenyons in Waitsfield or Aubuchon or Waterbury True Value Hardware in Waterbury.
Contact John Malter to register a business or with questions at 802-244-7373 or malterport@aol.com.