Local writers needed to help chronicle Waterbury history, 2000-2020

June 4, 2020  |  Jane Willard

The Waterbury Historical Society has launched a project to create by the end of 2021 a historical record of Waterbury’s life and history since 2000, written by a variety of authors from all corners of the community. 

The narrative will take several forms. The History Press in Charleston, S.C., will publish a book. The publisher specializes in producing local and regional histories and history-themed cultural publications. The submissions will also be archived in PastPerfect, a publicly accessible database that stores artifacts, documents, photographs, etc. 

This effort is part of the group’s commitment to preserving Waterbury’s history.  

The Historical Society is asking for community members, organizations and businesses to help write the story of these years. It’s looking for reflections on how Waterbury has been enhanced by its organizations, businesses, or specific milestones or events. 

Not a writer but have a story to tell? Share it as a draft. All submissions will be edited by a professional.

The New Book Committee is eager to work with the community on this project. We hope this “sheltering” time will provide contributors with the time and insight to share their stories. 

Guidelines for submissions

Submissions should be factual and no more than 2,000 words. Photos are welcome and encouraged. The Historical Society will also work with local photographer Gordon Miller to add images to the book.

Story content should include:

  • An introduction with a brief history of your organization, business, or community involvement.

  • The changes and significant events since 2000 with details to explain to current and future audiences a clear sense of your early-21st-century presence in Waterbury.

  • A closing statement with ideas for your hopes and dreams for the future of our community.

    How to submit files

  • Text submissions: Please use Microsoft Word and email to Jane Willard, Janew01111@yahoo.com. Files should be labeled as follows: story name_author_mm.dd.yyyy.docx (i.e. WaterburyArtsFest_JohnDoe_05.27.2020.docx). Please do not send pdf files. Need assistance with typing or don’t have a computer? Contact Willard for assistance.

  • Photo submissions: Digital image files must be high-resolution (300 dpi) and in jpeg or png format. Prints may be scanned.  Email images to Laura Parette at laura@lauraparette.com. Label photo images as follows: image name_author.jpg or .png (i.e. CamelsHump_JohnDoe.jpg). 

Deadline for all stories and photo submissions is Sept. 15. For more information, contact Jane Willard at Janew01111@yahoo.com or 244-6330.

In addition to Willard and Parette, other members of the Historical Society’s New Book Committee are Cindy Parks and Steve Van Esen.


Community Updates | June 5


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