Stowe Street alley project launches brick fundraiser
June 1, 2022 | By Karen Nevin
Current views of the alley alongside Stowe Street Emporium. Left: looking toward Stowe Street. Right: Looking from Stowe Street. Photos courtesy Revitalizing Waterbury
The Stowe Street alley project, also known as Jack’s Alley, will reclaim and make over an alley that is central to our historic downtown district by creating a lively, public space that is attractive and engaging for the community.
And now through June 30, the Rally for the Alley brick fundraiser is under way to launch the first phase of work to resurface the alley. This is an opportunity for community members to put their name, literally, on the project by purchasing an engraved brick. Our goal is to sell 500 bricks.
Jack Carter, the original owner of the Stowe Street Emporium at 23 Stowe Street, was passionate about transforming the Stowe Street Alley and had dreamt about it for over 20 years. He was a key member of the planning committee until he died unexpectedly in June 2021.
Multiple community organizations, including the Waterbury Rotary Club, MakerSphere, Waterbury Arts, Waterbury Masonic Lodge and Revitalizing Waterbury have come together, along with adjacent property owners, businesses and community members to make this dream come true.
The Stowe Street Alley project has three phases. The first phase is to remove the current surface and replace it with pavers and bricks, creating space for art demonstrations and performances; build an in-ground garden bed and build structures and screening for a cellar stairway and utilities.
The second and third phases include functional and artistic streetscape features such as benches, trash/recycling, additional landscaping and lighting as well as an artist-created gateway from Stowe Street. Phase One will happen in 2022 with the help of community members who purchase engraved bricks.
The brick fundraiser is simple. Each 4” x 8” red brick costs $100. Design a brick, with up to three lines of engraved text, and your brick will be used in the alley for all to enjoy. List your family members, honor someone you love, or send a message of support for the project or community. Each donor will receive a certificate recognizing their contribution to the project.
There are multiple ways to purchase a brick through June 30. Go to to order and pay online, or complete a form at Stowe Street Emporium and leave it there with a check. The various organizations involved will also be sharing the link on Facebook. The purchase of a brick is considered a donation and is tax-deductible.
More information is online at
Karen Nevin is executive director of Revitalizing Waterbury.