Details for Green Up Day in Duxbury

May 22, 2020  |  By Audrey Quackenbush

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Green Up Day is Saturday, May 30, and it’s Green Up’s 50th anniversary.

Please volunteer to help keep Duxbury beautiful by picking up litter on our town roads. You can work on your own road or sign up for an area that needs additional help. We don’t work on Route 100 because of safety considerations and the Vermont Agency of Transportation typically covers that state highway. 

This year, especially, volunteers should take additional safety precautions in light of health concerns. In addition to proper footwear and gloves, please wear a mask if out with others, maintain social distancing, and protect yourself from ticks.

Per Green Up Vermont guidelines, we ask that only roadside trash be collected. Please no household trash or furniture, hazardous materials, electronics, or personal tires. (Rodney’s Fash Trash in Waterbury near the Ice Center will accept personal car and pickup truck tires for $4 each, a discount from typical recycling rates.

Bags are available at the Town Clerk’s office in the black mailbox outside the door.

Volunteers are asked to bring filled bags to either of two drop sites:

  • The town garage, in the dumpster used for Green Up Day 

  • The turnoff on the north side of River Road in front of the railroad gate, east of Power Plant Road. (From Camels Hump Road, turn right and go past the road to Bolton dam—the turnoff is on the left).

Sign up to volunteer by contacting  Maria Steyaart at or Audrey Quackenbush at

The Duxbury Land Trust has been coordinating Green Up in Duxbury since 1997. More information on the land trust is online at

Hope to see you greening up on May 30!

Audrey Quackenbush is Duxbury’s Green Up Coordinator.


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Vermont’s 50th Green Up set for Saturday, May 30