Axel’s Gallery hosts new exhibit, photo ‘shoot-out’ contest

October 6, 2021  |  By Waterbury Roundabout
'Double Entendre' by Phil Herbison. Photo Courtesy Axel's Frame Shop & Gallery

'Double Entendre' by Phil Herbison. Photo Courtesy Axel's Frame Shop & Gallery

'Shadows' by Orah Moore. Photo Courtesy Axel's Frame Shop & Gallery

'Shadows' by Orah Moore. Photo Courtesy Axel's Frame Shop & Gallery

Axel’s Frame Shop & Gallery continues its 2021 exhibition schedule presenting a collection titled “Assemblages” by Philip Herbison through Nov. 6. At the same time, the gallery brings back its call to artists for a photo contest with a theme this year of “shadows.”  

Herbison’s compositions in wood feature recuperated wood, found objects, and acrylic paint. He works like a puzzle-maker, first creating the pieces which provide inspiration and Herbison follows their direction. 

“The reason I make art is to explore the mysterious realm of new aesthetic possibilities with materials at hand,” he explains. “Working with piles of recycled wood scraps as a medium brings with it a lot of intuitive play. Recognizing happy accidents when they happen leads to discovery of new aesthetic statements.”  

Gallery owner Whitney Aldrich hopes the contest appeals to everyone who likes to shoot photos, regardless of experience. “In this day and age, we have great photography equipment at our fingertips creating incredible opportunities for both amateur and professional photographers,” Aldrich said. 

The gallery last did such a contest in 2019 and winner Orah Moore was asked to choose this year’s theme. She picked “Shadows.” Entries may be black and white, color, manipulated, layered, or part of a mixed media piece – as long as the photograph is the majority element. Being a fan of “challenge creation,” Moore specified that all entries be captured or made between reading these rules and the entry deadline, which is 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 6. (The contest announcement was issued on Sept. 29.)  

Submitting photographers have a chance at a solo exhibition in 2022 along with other prizes. Entries will be judged by a small panel of professionals from the Vermont art and photography community as well as other photo-enthusiast peers. Fee is $20 per entry with a two-entry limit per artist. Entries will be on view Nov. 10-20.  

More information online at


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