Obituary: Carla F. Hultstrom
June 24, 1935 – March 15, 2023
Carla F. Hultstrom, courtesy photo
Carla F. Hultstrom, 87, passed away on Wednesday, March 15, 2023, in Essex Junction, Vermont. Born on June 24, 1935, in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada, she was the daughter of Evald and Alma Lewin.
Carla grew up on the island in a small farmhouse with her sister and two brothers and graduated from Summerside High School and Academy in 1952. She moved from PEI to Massachusetts in 1953, where she met her beloved husband of 56 years, Gordon E. Hultstrom. Gordon and Carla married in 1958, lived in upstate New York, where their two children were born, and then resided in Beverly, Massachusetts, for 12 years before settling in Andover, Massachusetts, in 1978 where they lived for 37 years. They moved to York, Maine, briefly to be near their grandchildren, and after Gordon’s passing, Carla moved to Vermont to be near her daughter, Nita.
Carla enjoyed many things, including reading, gardening, cooking, baking, and doing crossword puzzles. Mostly she enjoyed being with her husband and family. She worked through the years as a secretary in a few businesses, and as an integral part of the family business, Bruckmann’s Lawn & Garden in Lawrence, Massachusetts, doing bookkeeping and retail sales from 1978 to 2014. Carla will be remembered for her caring ways, her quick smile, and her sense of humor.
Carla leaves a son, Kurt Hultstrom and his wife Kimberly (Schoff) of York, Maine; a daughter, Nita Hultstrom of Waterbury, Vermont; a brother, Eric Lewin and his wife Carol; a sister Roma Carlson; a brother Dale Lewin and his wife Barbara; and six grandchildren: Kristen Johnson, and Evan, Leah, Eli, Seth, and Karianna Hultstrom. Carla was predeceased by her parents, her husband, and her brother-in-law Jack Carlson.
A private service will be held in York, Maine, on Sunday, May 21.