Bookshop presents original ‘Spooky Tales’ in two performances Oct. 11-12

September 27, 2024  |  By Jenna Danyew

Brookside Books will host its thrids annual scary story performance Oct. 11-12. Courtesy photo

Bridgeside Books presents its third annual scary story performance, Spooky Tales 2024: Twisted Folklore, on Friday-Saturday, Oct. 11-12. 

The event features six original ghost stories performed live by local actors Mark Nash and Kathryn Blume. The stories are chosen from 22 submissions from community members who penned original scripts inspired by the “twisted folklore” prompt. Expect a mix of familiar fairy tales twisted from sweet dreams into haunting nightmares and fresh takes on some obscure figures in folklore. 

This year the bookstore began accepting story submissions in June and the writers include published authors, local bartenders, and bookstore regulars – including some as young as 10 years old. Selecting the six stories for this year’s show was a collaborative effort among multiple booksellers and employees of Bridgeside Books. 

The final picks are stories that capture the feeling of sitting around a campfire and glancing over your shoulder in case the monsters from the stories show up. The authors include William Galaini, Kenrick Fischer, Tanya Kateri, Eric Perron and Julia VandenBurgh. 

Past years’ Spooky Tales audiences have included both book and theater fans. The fully scripted show starts at 7 p.m. and runs two hours with an intermission catered by Cold Hollow Cider Mill. Advance ticket purchases are recommended as previous performances have sold out with attendees from the local community and several other states for what’s become a seasonal tradition. 

This event is suitable for mature audiences due to adult and scary themes. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit online or stop by the store in person. The event is sponsored by EastRise Credit Union. 

Bridgeside Books staffer Jenna Danyew is a bookseller and writer. 


Obituary: Roxanna "Roxy" Quero