Memorial Day weekend: Let the hiking begin
May 22, 2024 | By Lily LaRegina
Hiking season begins this weekend in Vermont. The Green Mountain Club has information to plan, prepare and have fun on the trails this year. Photo from Killington Peak Matthew Heller
Memorial Day weekend officially kicks off Vermont’s hiking season, and the Green Mountain Club, which manages and maintains 500 miles of trails in the state including the Long Trail, wants to help hikers get outside and enjoy our wonderful natural spaces this season.
After a slightly atypical mud season, with late-season snow and a once-in-a-lifetime eclipse, the trails have dried out relatively well, though some mud and soft snow/ice may remain at high elevations. Unseasonal flooding and storms in December did cause damage to many trails, and hikers may encounter fallen trees obstructing trails, especially on side trails of the Long Trail. club volunteers have been performing spring maintenance, but some areas may not be entirely cleared by the start of hiking season.
“We are grateful to the hiking public for following mud season hiking guidance, especially by avoiding the backcountry on eclipse day,” said Keegan Tierney, GMC’s Director of Field Programs. “With the start of hiking season coinciding with a beautiful holiday weekend, we expect the trails to be busy this weekend. We want to remind hikers that early season conditions still exist and to prepare accordingly.”
Looking ahead to the summer, hikers can expect to see Green Mountain Club trail crews and caretakers working on trails and shelters across the state. The caretakers and visitor services volunteers are available at summits and at the Barnes Camp Visitor Center to answer questions about the surrounding trails and environment and connect you to the hiking community.
Hiker safety is the club’s top priority, and hikers are advised to be prepared, to check weather reports ahead of time, and have a way to receive weather information if they are on an extended trip. Last year we saw historical flooding that washed out trails and made creeks and brooks dangerous and impossible to cross. Here are a few other reminders as we get back into hiking season:
Check GMC’s Trail Updates page, as well as the TrailFinder website and Vermont Forests, Parks, and Recreation news releases for the latest information about trail or parking lot closures.
Early season conditions still exist. Pack plenty of extra layers for changing weather and cooler temperatures on summits. Review the Ten Essentials and HikeSafe Responsibility Code to reduce the chance of emergency on your hike.
Trail crews will be working on improving trails and facilities around the state. Use caution if hiking near a trail crew.
Construction is underway on GMC’s new visitor center on Route 100 in Waterbury Center. We will be open seven days a week throughout the summer. Please follow any parking lot closures and use caution near the construction site.
Have questions? Send an email to, phone 802-244-7037 or message on social media. Green Mountain Club-trained professionals are here to help. Follow GMC on Instagram and Facebook. Join the Long Trail Hiking — GMC Community Facebook group to connect with fellow hikers. And sign up for the club’s email distribution list for news about events, tips for getting out on the trails, and to have your best Vermont summer!
Established in 1910 to build the Long Trail, the Green Mountain Club is a private non-profit organization with over 9,800 members dedicated to maintaining and protecting Vermont’s historic Long Trail, the Appalachian Trail in Vermont, and the Kingdom Heritage Lands trails in the Northeast Kingdom. More online at
Lily LaRegina is the Green Mountain Club’s communications coordinator