September programs at the Waterbury Public Library

September 3, 2024  |  By Judi Byron 

September calendars fill up quickly with back-to-school events and more. Waterbury Public Library has its share of upcoming free programs and ongoing offerings for all ages. Here are highlights from the adult program listings. Be sure to check the complete listings for adults and children online at

Sept. 4: Mindful Movement date added 

Becky Widschenter leads Mindful Movement Yoga on the Lawn. Courtesy photo

Just added! This summer has not been kind with flooding and a soggy lawn at the library.  Becky Widschenter of Mindful Movement with Becky has added a September date to her Mindful Movement Yoga on the Lawn series. This Wednesday, Sept. 4, from noon to 1 p.m., come to the library’s garden with a yoga mat, water and any props that will aid in your practice and take in some gentle stretching and mindfulness.  

Becky teaches an inclusive practice and invites all participants to work at the level with which their body informs. Modifications and adaptations are always encouraged. Register online at: In case of inclement weather, the class will take place indoors at the library.

Saturdays are for Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons and Dragons is now meeting weekly on Saturdays and at a new time. Led by Dungeon Master Evan Hoffman, this 5th edition campaign is accessible to new players but still offers depth to veterans. From 1-5 p.m. every Saturday at the library, meet with fellow gamers and form your adventuring party, explore fantasy worlds together and embark on epic quests. 

At its heart, D&D is a storytelling game. Everything is your decision from what you look like, to how you act, to what happens next. You build a collective community and your stories build on one another. New players are always welcome. Check in with Discord to ask any questions and meet Evan and the other players. While game play is mostly in person at the library, Discord and Zoom options are also available.

Sept. 12: No Pressure Book Group 

The No Pressure Book Group starts up again with the onset of autumn.  Meeting on the second Thursday of the month via Zoom, the No Pressure Book Group lives up to its name: No Pressure! Bring what you are reading and be willing to share that book and any recommendations you have. That’s it! No assignments, no pressure – just a chance to talk books with like-minded individuals.  All are welcome, newcomers and seasoned bibliophiles alike.  Meets the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. Next date: Sept. 12.  Go to the library’s website for the Zoom link at

Sept. 18: Silent Reading Party 

Readers at one of the library's silent reading parties earlier this year. Photo by Gordon Miller

Waterbury’s Silent Reading Parties are still a thing! These low-key gatherings keep it simple: Bring a book, read a book. Enjoy the silence and peace of reading in community with others. The next meeting takes place Wednesday, Sept. 18, at 5:30 p.m. at Stone’s Throw Pizza, 15 Stowe Street. These events are in collaboration with Bridgeside Books. Free.

Sept. 19: New Qigong series begins 

Strengthen the body, quiet the mind with the 8 Brocades of Silk beginning in September.  The 8 Brocades, also referred to as Ba Duan Jin is one of the most popular Qigong practices dating back nearly 1,000 years. Qigong combines mindful movement with meditation and breath to strengthen the body, quiet the mind, and balance the emotions. The 8 Brocades is also known as the Eight Brocades of Silk because of the silken quality of movements practiced during this form. Ancient texts reveal that the Eight Brocades was also a form of Qigong designed to eliminate fatigue. Register with an email to for this 6-week series beginning Thursday, Sept. 19, through Oct. 24, meeting from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in the Library’s Garden or indoors, depending on the weather.

Sept. 19: Beginners’ Bridge starts

If you’ve always wanted to play bridge but felt intimidated, the library has a six-week Beginners’ Bridge tutorial. Taught and led by seasoned bridge players and instructors Grace Sweet and Tex Bruns, you’ll learn the basics – how to count cards, bid, take tricks, all while having fun with new friends and in a social, amicable environment. 

Both Grace and Tex have been playing the game for countless years and know how to teach a complex game in simple terms.  You’ll learn the rudimentary plays and will be guided along the way.  Learn why bridge is a game for a lifetime and why bridge players remain sharp even in advanced years. 

There is a three-table/12-person limit. Basic Bridge for Beginners begins Thursday, Sept. 19, and runs through the end of October meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. at the library.  (No class Oct. 24.) Register with an email to

If more folks register than there is room at the tables, all are still welcome to join and watch.  Much, if not more, can be learned by watching and observing.                                                                                

Sept. 28: Say it with Plain Language

What is Plain Language and why do we need it?  Simply put, it is a way to speak and write clearly for the needs of your audience.  It is accessible, ethical, trustworthy and practical. It is effective in business, in education, in life. It is for teachers, students, and parents; it is for business people and leaders, for readers and writers.  In short, it is for everyone. With Plain Language, people need fewer explanations because communication is direct and in the active voice. It is concise and clear. It is for your audience, not yourself. When people understand what is being communicated, they make fewer mistakes. It is a win-win for everyone.

Walter Duda presents a workshop on Plain Language from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Sept. 28, at the library. Walter spent his career with the State of Vermont and as a trainer and technical writer. He will share his expertise gained from years of study and implementation. In his workshop, you will learn what Plain Language is and what it is not. It will demonstrate how Plain Language helps an audience get what it wants and needs using examples of complex language and how Plain Language can simplify them. Finally, you will learn Plain Language concepts to put into use after this session. Register with an email to

Sept. 30: The Four Pillars of the New Retirement

Retirement is changing and being redefined. How do you live well in retirement?  Nick Hart with Edward Jones gives a presentation on the Four Pillars of the New Retirement: health, family, purpose and finances. Attendees to this powerful presentation on Monday, Sept. 30, at 6:30 p.m. at the library will be informed to review their own circumstances, goals, and challenges to impact their quality of life in retirement. This presentation is for everyone – whether you are new to retirement or thinking about it. How will you approach this new chapter of life? Have you thought about it? 

This is the first in a series of three workshops this fall with each intended to stand on its own.  Register with an email to

Judi Byron is the Waterbury Public Library’s Adult Program Coordinator. Contact her at 802-244-7036 or


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