June programs at the Waterbury Public Library
June 1, 2023 | By Judi Byron
Here are some highlights of free programs happening at the Waterbury Public Library in June.
Be sure to check the library's website, waterburypubliclibrary.com, for more details and complete schedules of children’s and adult programs. Any schedule updates will be noted in the online information.
June 13: West African kora performance
Sean Gaskell presents a West African kora performance at the library on June 13. Courtesy photo
Constructed from a gourd with a long, hardwood neck, the kora is an instrument that combines features of both the harp and the lute. It originates from West Africa and Sean Gaskell has been playing the kora ever since he first heard it in 2006.
Gaskell will perform at the Waterbury Public Library at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 13.
Though harp-like in that it has no frets, the kora’s sound is percussive and it’s played by plucking with the thumb and index finger. The tradition dates back to the 13th-century Mali Empire which stretched across much of West Africa. Playing the kora was passed from father to son, but now women are playing the instrument as well.
Immersing himself in the music and traditions of the kora, Gaskell has traveled to West Africa many times to study. He has presented adult, youth, and family programs at more than 350 libraries, schools, universities and assisted living facilities in the U.S. and Canada.
Gaskell’s presentation, which is suitable for all ages, will include an oral history of the instrument and the culture from which it comes along with songs of war, hardship, love and loss.
June 20: Celebrate Summer Yoga Class
Becky Widschwenter of Mindful Movement leads a Celebrate Summer yoga class at the library on June 20. Courtesy photo
Mindful Movement coach and practitioner Becky Widschwenter returns to the library for a Celebrate Summer Yoga Class on Tuesday, June 20, at 10:30 a.m. in the library’s garden. All levels are welcome and the class is specifically designed for the beginner in mind.
Mindful Movement’s approach to teaching yoga is non-judgmental, relatable, and uses non-yogic terminology. Poses are taught with an emphasis on listening to your body, choosing supportive postures, and practicing stillness–potent skills that can be taken off your mat and into your life. Bring a mat, a water bottle, and props you enjoy. In case of inclement weather, the class will be held inside the library. Register in advance with an email to judi@waterburypubliclibrary.com
CANCELLED: June 24: Pollinator Party a.k.a. “Fervidus Fest”
Plans for this event were called off.
Judi Byron is the Waterbury Public Library’s Adult Program Coordinator.