For sale: longtime gallery + frame shop
August 5, 2022 | By Lisa Scagliotti
Axel’s is known for its participation in community events such as Music in the Alley (above), as well as its ever-changing exhibitions of contemporary art, and its staff who custom-frame art works of all sizes and types. Photo by Gordon Miller
“So I am making a change. I'm ready to focus more on the gallery's mission of helping artists find homes for their work. I plan to continue advocating for our area artists and playing a role in our creative economy” ~ Whitney Aldrich, owner of Axel’s Gallery & Frame Shop
In an email message to regular customers and followers of Axel’s Gallery and Frame Shop, owner Whitney Aldrich dropped some news last week: “I’m telling you first because you have supported me and my team for 10 years and I think you or someone you know might be the perfect next owner of Axel’s Gallery & Frame Shop,” she wrote, adding, “You are just as qualified as I was.”
Aldrich nearly 10 years ago bought the shop that’s been an anchor to Stowe Street since its namesake Axel Stohlberg opened the business in 1983. A graduate in Fine Arts from the University of Cincinnati's Design, Art, Architecture, & Planning program, Aldrich previously worked for a decade in graphic design and marketing.
The combination frame shop and gallery offered complementary functions and served as a creative force under Aldrich’s direction in the downtown business community.
In her note to customers, Aldrich reflected on her history with the storefront shop and gallery that occupies the building beside the WDEV radio station offices and that last summer saw a 20-foot-tall colorful phoenix mural installed on the building’s exterior. “At the time, I knew nothing about picture framing, but I was determined to have a contemporary art gallery in Waterbury. Little by little I gained the knowledge and skills I needed. Frankly, I couldn’t have done this without your support. You believed in me and my abilities. You've attended our events, supported our artists, and spent your well-earned money at our business.”
Today, Aldrich said, the framing business is going strong. It currently employs two part-time and two full-time employees in addition to herself. It’s seen an influx of new customers of late despite the pandemic. In information to potential buyers, Aldrich notes that custom framing accounts for 90% of the business’ sales. Framing, she notes, is both profitable and resilient, providing a service customers seek both in booming economic times when they build and buy and move into new homes and offices and decorate, or when times are leaner and people stay put, opting to redecorate and update their surroundings.
Axel’s owner Whitney Aldrich. Courtesy photo
“Those in the picture framing industry tend to stay in the industry for many years – often across several generations in a family – because the business can provide a good living during good times and bad,” the information for potential buyers states.
“But the more successful the frame shop becomes, the less time and energy I have for the gallery - the very reason why I purchased Axel’s in the first place,” she confesses.
Electronic records make sales history and customers easy to track. The business also has an established following on social media and in the community, it notes. Axel’s Instagram and Facebook accounts frequently share photos of artwork framed for clients either before it leaves the shop or when placed in a home or office.
The announcement aside, Aldrich said for now, it will be business as usual. A two-artist exhibition is currently on view for another week. Axel’s has been a sponsor and host for the summer Music in the Alley concerts with TurnMusic and Blackback Pub. The last date in that series for this summer is Friday, Aug. 26, she noted.
The staff will continue working on the dozens of framing jobs that come in each week. “And the frame shop will continue building upon your cherished pieces and memories,” Aldrich said.
What’s next for Aldrich? “I'm ready to focus more on the gallery's mission of helping artists find homes for their work. I plan to continue advocating for our area artists and playing a role in our creative economy,” she said.
Any interested potential buyers of course should contact Aldrich.